Sunday, February 25, 2007

What is Ottimo?

Ottimo is Italian for “best.” Style is about putting your best self in everything you do – dressing, creating a home, and running your company. Style distinguishes you.

Ottimo Style is your style backseat driver. I help you unleash your own sense of style and apply it across every facet of your life. Helping you dress is the easy party. Do you apply your own unique style to how you cook? Do you make it your best?

Style isn’t about dressing like someone else. It’s about consistently wearing things in which you feel like royalty. But comfortably royal. With all of the fashion shows and What Not to Wear’s out there, you should know by now that style is not following the latest trends. No matter how much I love them, I CANNOT wear skinny jeans with my body type! Style is about knowing what works best on your body and then personalizing it while making sure it feels good when you wear it.

Services include

Overhauling your closet – walking through the good, the bad and the downright disastrous. I don’t just throw everything out. I help you organize what is flattering and comfortable then we can get a list of what you need to invest in.

Pre-shopping – turns out most of you hate shopping! Well I love it so after analyzing your closet, figure, tastes, needs, and budget, I pound the pavement to find the right shops and right pieces to make your shopping experience pleasant.

Shopping – let’s make this as fun as possible! Let’s get a glass of wine beforehand to calm the jitters and talk about clothing fears. We all have them. Mine is mixing metals and pairing black and brown!

Cheat Sheets – ok, I cleared out your all of your old duds (more like pried them out of your hands!) and you went shopping and have a whole new wardrobe, but now what? It can be so overwhelming trying to put together an outfit! No sweat. This is where a camera and a printer come in handy.

Maintenance – I keep great records of sizes and what you bought, so you can pick up the phone and tell me that you are ready to expand your closet. Or, you are feeling so good about how hot you are in your new duds that you want to take the next step and try some things a little farther outside of your comfort zone!

Special Occasion Shopping

These services just get you started. I want to help you think about style in your workstation, in your cooking station, and especially in your love station!

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