Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stylish Everything

Okay, gas prices are soaring your fanny is widening, so you made a resolution to bike commute. Does this mean that you have to throw style out the window? Absolutely not. And that includes your bike! No, you don't have to fork out the equivalent amount of 3 pairs of Prada for a decent bike, it's very simple.

The above green thing was the start of my bike. After sanding and a little paint and the help of a bike mechanic, I turned this $25 Goodwill purchase into the hottest fixie.

So not only am I saving gas, working my butt, looking stylish, I am also on the cutting edge of a sport! How many stylish girls do you see on a fixie around town? Try it, I dare you.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beijing Fashion

The opening ceremony was worth staying up late. The 2000+ lighted drums, the chanting, really cool. Of course the most important part for me was the fashion.

Ah the Dutch.
[photo from LA Times]

I went to Amsterdam earlier this year, and they suck at fashion. I am not buying the excuse that they are big kids, so fashion is hard. They had What Not to Wear type shows, and they forced poor, unsuspecting girls into the latest trends despite how awful. The before pics were better than the afters. Alas, they did get it right for the opening ceremony. I love the white piping. The pants were a skinny pant, but it actually flattered all of the big Dutchies.

USA - eh, ok.
[photo from LA Times]

Ralph Lauren designed this look. Without the Kengol cap, it would be too classic RL.

Not a lot of love in Russia.
[photo from LA Times]

All I can say is yikes. Crazy-patterned dickies, dresses that cut mid-calf (not good on anyone, it cuts you off at the widest part of your lower leg. Looks like you have cankles.). Bad fedoras. Only the French pulled off a fedora alright.

Great Britain
[photo from LA Times]

Nice work! The ladies had a sassy sheath dress with a sparkly, fashionable silver belt. Look at how cute the flagbearer is!

But, overall, I wasn't happy with the fashion show. It goes back to what I keep saying is that just because you are sporty, doesn't mean you can't dress well. With all of those hard bodies out there, EVERYONE should be looking tasty, especially since the entire world is watching. Shame on the countries that put their athletes out in track suits when Beijing put on such a formal fete.

Here's an interesting audio slideshow with commentary on the fashions