Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Don't get caught up in buying "timeless" pieces...

Tee shirts, shoes, tights, suit jackets, and hoodies are not timeless pieces. You cannot buy a tee or a blouse and really expect that pit stains won’t wear it out in a year and a half, and that it will still be in style in 10 years. It’s just not realistic.

The whole “timeless pieces” is a big misnomer in my mind. Not that you should flip your wardrobe every season, but you should never really expect that clothes transcend evolution.

When I was still really excited about looking like a high-powered executive lady and wore suits to work, I plopped down my credit card on my first (and hopefully not last) pair of Gucci shoes. Three years into Consumer Credit Counseling later, I have only worn those shoes about 5 times. Yes! The were the epitome of “timeless classic.” So much so that I felt like a grandma every time I wore them. My wardrobe evolved and my work situation went way more casual, and now I have nothing to wear with my classic chunky heel brass buckled Gucci pumps. They just sit in their pretty chocolate brown bag tucked behind my sassy strappy sandals; not to be seen again until I am 60 years old.

Never think that a suit jacket is timeless - especially if you take a break from Wall Street to do something like pop out some kids or build huts for churches in Africa. Don’t expect that the suit jacket you spent $350 on at Liz Claiborne in 2001 is going to work today. A) It’s out of style. B) Who wears suit jackets any more? C) You’re going to lose your credibility as a successful worker that the firm is confident in putting in front of the client. READ: you’re dated. Spend the $175 on a cute, fitted jean jacket. That is a better investment.

Trust me, I know more about good financial decisions now!

"Timeless" is what you invest in when you are 50 or if you are willing to fork over the big bucks. Check out these TRULY timeless pieces. If you have the dough, they are worth the investment. You can give them to your grandchildren and they will never go out of style. Nor will you look like a grandma in them at any age.

$13,750 - A Hermes Birkin bag - it's a few grand and you can pass it down to your grand kids, but who wants to carry only 1 bag around for 15 years? You can't afford anything else if you get one of these!

$845 - A Pucci print shift dress.

$845 - Of course, a pair of Jimmy Choo's. $845 is actually VERY reasonable.

$1,295 - Wrap it all up with a Burberry trench and you have a timeless outfit you can wear every day until you die for a mere $16,735.